We Raised £1370 for the East Anglian Air Ambulance
Glasswells staff members and customers recently participated in The East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA) Trade Up challenge, raising a huge £1370 to help the charity continue their missions within the region.
Who are the East Anglian Air Ambulance?
The East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA) is a charity providing life-saving critical care 24 hours-a-day, 365 days-a-year by air and road. Since it first launched in 2000, the EAAA crews have been dispatched to patients at the roadside, in the city, on the beach, and maybe even close to your home.
Covering Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, and Bedfordshire, the EAAA's rapid response and highly trained critical care teams aim to save lives by delivering advanced medical care to patients at the scene of accidents or emergencies.
The scenes they attend are often life-changing for patients, but by offering dedicated aftercare support, more patients and their families are helped with their recovery journeys.
By developing partnerships and collaborations with local organisations, who have aligned ambitions to the EAAA, they can continue to do the very best for each and every patient treated.
The East Anglian Air Ambulance Transport
A History of Giving
Glasswells’ commitment to the community and charitable causes can be tracked back to 1954 when Jerry Glasswell (Founder of Glasswells) instigated the Christmas distribution of tea and sugar to pensioners in the area, as a way of saying thank you.
He explained his reasons in a newspaper interview in 1971; "Some years ago I felt that the people who had helped me get on in life were those of my own age so I decided that at Christmas I would give every pensioner two pounds of sugar and a quarter of tea."
In 2015 a lunch for 60 local residents, who would otherwise have spent Christmas Day alone, was organized by Robert Hawkins on behalf of Glasswells. Entitled ‘Big Hearted Bury’, more than 50 members of staff and their families volunteered, while fantastic support was also received from restaurant suppliers, local food companies and supermarkets. Glasswells also worked closely with Gatehouse, Age UK and Community Christmas to make the event a huge success.
Paul Glasswell, Managing Director, explains “Glasswells has always been proud to be a strong part of the local community. We have enjoyed such great loyalty from our customers and we always try to give something back to the people that have supported us.”
Big Hearted Bury - Christmas Day 2015
The Results of the Challenge
The Glasswells annual quiz has raised tens of thousands of pounds for many different local and national charities in previous years, and this year was no exception, raising £900 in one night through raffle tickets, entry tickets and refreshments.
“The annual quiz night has become an important and much anticipated event in Glasswells calendar,” explained Paul Glasswell, Managing Director. “We are over the moon to have raised such a significant sum of money, which will certainly help the East Anglian Air Ambulance provide critical treatment to patients. I cannot thank our wonderful staff and suppliers enough for their enthusiasm and generosity.”
This quiz night was just one of many different activities being held. With collection boxes at pay points, in-store raffles, Bring a Book, Buy a Book and a Dress Up Friday, we were able to raise a fantastic £1370!
This donation helps fund more missions keeping the crew in the air and out on the road saving lives, provide critical care equipment and deliver A&E level care and support the EAAA Aftercare service which helps patients and families with recovery.
Zoe Harris, East Anglian Air Ambulance fundraising officer, said: “We are incredibly grateful to everyone at Glasswells and their commitment to EAAA’s very first Trade up Challenge. It was great to see the fundraising ideas and particularly the successful quiz night. The donations raised will help support our crews continue to provide lifesaving critical care 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by air and road. Thank you Glasswells!"
Glasswells Staff with EAAA Volunteer
If you would like to donate to the East Anglian Air Ambulance, please visit:
https://www.eaaa.org.uk/support-us/make-a-donationFor our latest news, products and offers make sure to sign-up to our mailing list. Alternatively, like and follow us on Facebook.
- 26th July 2023