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Covid 19 Customers & Staff


Help stop the spread of



After weeks of lockdown, the government has encouraged a return to work for many sectors and, consequently, we have made plans to recommence deliveries, fittings, home removals, and a phased return of staff to our stores.

Where possible staff are encouraged to keep their distance, but where they cannot, then protection is achieved by a variety of face masks, visors, gloves and sanitisers.

We are making contact with customers and our delivery crews and picking staff are all ready making deliveries.

Our main objective is to make the stores as welcoming as possible giving our customers and staff every reassurance and to make sure where ever possible a distance of 2 metres is maintained. PPE will be provided for staff and worn where necessary. Our aim is to prevent any possible spread of the virus, protecting our staff and customers from infection.

When our stores open you will notice that we have added safety signage reminding customers and staff the importance of social distancing.

Covid-19 Customers & Staff – Procedure for Opening and Maintaining Stores

  • Staff will only come to work if they are displaying no symptoms of Covid-19.

  • Daily temperature checks will be carried out to help ensure staff are free from symptoms of Covid-19.

  • Staff will wash their hands as often as possible, or use hand sanitiser gel regularly.

  • Hand sanitiser dispensers will be available around our stores.

  • Clear signage will be displayed near the entrances and throughout our stores advising customers to maintain the 2m distance rules at all times.

  • Sneeze guard screens will be positioned on each desk, on reception and paypoint positions.

  • Staff will work at every other till/computer in paypoint areas and reception.

  • In the unlikely event that the number of customers in the store compromise the 2m distance rules, entry to the store will be restricted.

  • Only one person (or two people from the same household) allowed to use the lift at any one time, with signage displayed nearby to point this out.

  • Free standing sanitiser station to be placed near the entrance of each store, for customers use on entering and leaving.

  • PPE will be available on site for staff if required.

  • Desks, till point areas and workstations will be wiped down with disinfectant wipes prior to use and at regular intervals during the day. Payment machines will be wiped with disinfectant wipes after each use.

  • All work stations will adhere to the 2m distance rules and where possible staff will not be positioned face to face.

  • In staff room areas only one person will be seated at any of the tables and the 2m distancing rule will be adhered to in the sink area and along the work surfaces. Break times will be staggered. The restaurant seating area will be used for staff taking breaks, maintaining the 2m distance rules.

  • Regular announcements will be made to remind staff and customers of the social distancing advice.

  • Customers will be encouraged to make cashless purchases whenever possible.

  • Additional cleaning of door handles, lift buttons, stair hand rails and in toilet areas including flushes, taps and hand driers.

Customers & Staff – Warehousing & Deliveries

• Staff will not come to work if they have any symptoms of Covid-19.
• Daily temperature checks will be carried out to help ensure staff are free from symptoms of covid-19.
• Where possible crews should be kept in the same teams.
• Each crew will be provided with additional PPE of face screen and or face mask, gloves and sanitiser gel.
• The crews must wear face protection at all times during the delivery and gloves (where practical). If allowed by the customer they should wash their hands at the beginning and end of each delivery. If the customer prefers not to let the crew wash their hands, they should sanitise their hands with gel immediately before and after each delivery.
• Signage to be displayed at reception to remind all visitors of the social distancing rules.
Only one visitor permitted at the reception area at any one time.
• Drivers should not go into the office but report to the reception counter for any paperwork information, where a sneeze screen will be in operation.
• Office staff should clean their work station down at the beginning and at the end of each day, equipment should not be shared, if equipment has to be shared it should be thoroughly sanitised in between users.
• Start times and breaks will be spread out over a longer period to ensure social distancing measures can be maintained in the all areas.
• Face protection PPE must be used in the cab of the vehicle if shared space.
• Contact should be made with the customer on the day of the visit to confirm that everyone in the household is well and showing no signs of Covid-19.
• Crews will be given full discretion to refuse to start any job if the customer appears unwell or they do not feel safe to continue.
• Vehicle cabs will be cleaned regularly.
• Warehouse staff will use the face masks provided when unloading deliveries.
• There will be no congregating of staff either in the warehouse or between driving crews, social distancing guidelines will be adhered to at all times.
• Customer collections will be carried and placed in the car by either one or two members of staff, whilst the customer remains outside their vehicle and at least 2m away.

Making Appointments for Delivering Goods/services – Customer Advice

• Contact will be made with the customer on the day of the visit to confirm that everyone in the household is well and showing no signs of Covid-19.
• Customer will be advised that we will be making a non contact delivery.
• For non installation orders, the driver will leave the goods at an agreed place/room.
• The customer will be required to maintain the 2m distancing rule. The customer should not be in the same room as the delivery crew during the period of unpacking/ positioning.
• The driver will ask the customer for their first and last name of the person receiving the delivery as a proof of delivery. No signature will be required.
• Customer will be advised that we will call on the day prior to our visit to confirm that everyone in the household is well and showing no signs of Covid-19.

Procedure for Visiting Customers – (Fitting, Measures & Estimating/Surveying)

• Staff will not come to work if they have any symptoms of Covid-19.
• Daily temperature checks will be carried out to help ensure staff are free from symptoms of Covid-19.
• We will always consider wherever possible if the survey can be done remotely.
• Contact will be made with the customer on the day prior to the visit to confirm that everyone in the household is well and showing no signs of Covid-19.
• Advise the customer we will be making a non contact visit.
• The customers will be reminded when entering to adhere to the 2m distancing rule and should not be in the same room as any member of staff, if possible.
• If this is not possible, crews must wear the PPE provided.
• Wash hands on arrival and when leaving the customer’s house if possible, or use the hand sanitiser gel provided.
• Fitters/Estimators will be given full discretion to refuse to start any job if the customer appears unwell or they do not feel safe to continue.

Procedure for Removals Crews

• Staff will not come to work if they have any symptoms of Covid-19.
• Daily temperature checks will be carried out to help ensure staff are free from symptoms of Covid-19.
• Each crew will be provided with additional PPE of face screen and or face mask, gloves, hand sanitiser gel and disinfectant wipes.
• Face protection PPE must be used in the cab of the vehicle if in shared space. The cab windows will be cracked open to increase ventilation.
• The crews will wash their hands as often as possible throughout the day, and when this is not possible use the hand sanitiser gel provided.
• The customers should adhere to the 2m distancing rule and should not be in the same room as any member of the delivery crew, if possible.
• If this is not possible, crews must wear the PPE provided.
• Contact will be made with the customer the day of the removal to confirm that everyone in the household is well and showing no signs of Covid-19.
• Where possible crews will be kept in the same teams.
• Crews will be given full discretion to refuse to start any job if the customer appears unwell or they do not feel safe to continue.
• Vehicle cabs will be cleaned regularly, especially at the end of the day.

Procedure for Contract Fitters

• Staff will not come to work if they have any symptoms of Covid-19.
• Daily temperature checks will be carried out to help ensure staff are free from symptoms of Covid-19.
• Each fitter will use a PP1/PP3 or equivalent mask while working. These will be available to purchase from ourselves.
• The fitters will wash their hands as often as possible or use the hand sanitiser gel regularly.
• Fitters will be required to conform to any local site rules regarding Covid-19.
• Whilst on site the fitter will adhere to the 2m distancing rule.
• If this is not possible, crews must wear the PPE provided.
• Any waste products will be removed from site at the end of the job and disposed of into a Glasswells Compactor.
• Face protection PPE must be used in the cab of the vehicle if shared space.
• Fitters will be given full discretion to refuse to start any job if they do not feel it’s safe to continue on site.
• Vehicle cabs will be cleaned regularly, especially at beginning and the end of the day.


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